A few years ago I was introduced to Pictorialism (an early movement in photography), and I started retouching some of my photographs to make them look more painterly. That soon grew into a desire to make images that existed mostly in my mind.

This is why I am calling this section Mindscapes.

Acid Dreams


Planets and Pizza

Remedios the Beautiful Ascends to Heaven

One afternoon in March, Remedios the Beautiful was helping fold sheets in the garden. She had just started when Amaranta noticed Remedios was pale, almost translucent.
”Do you not feel well”? she asked
Remedios the Beautiful managed a pitiful smile

“On the contrary—she said—I’ve never felt better”

Then came a delicate breeze, and Amaranta tried to hang on to the sheets so as to not fall, just as Remedios the Beautiful began to ascend…

The Cave


Asclepius, the god of Medicine, was the son of Apollo and Coronis, a mortal woman. Coronis had the poor judgment of being unfaithful to Apollo while pregnant with Asclepius, and she got whacked by Artemis, just to make a point. But Apollo felt bad—the gods often do—and he performed a perimortem cesarean while Coronis lay on the funeral pyre, whisking Asclepius to safety.

Apollo then entrusted Asclepius to Kheiron, the centaur, who taught Asclepius all he knew about medicine.

This is Kheiron. He lived in Brooklyn, which was slightly more affordable than Mt. Olympus. He was a special centaur, whose front legs were often depicted as being human, rather than equine. That was clearly a misconception.


The Recital

I saw a photograph of a group of women from a fishing village gathered at the beach, waiting for the men to return. I was thinking about them when I was working on this. I thought they needed some music.

Lady of the Lake



Instantiation I


On the Road

The Rehearsal


Instantiation II

Woman and Child

Contemplating Infinity

Instantiation III

The Traveler